Animal power is a philosophical issue that primarily encourages people to consider what is in animals’ best interest, whether they are amiable, helpful to humans, endangered species, or whether humans care about them. That means recognizing that animals are not available to us – for food, clothing, entertainment or experimentation. People have always discriminated against animals. They think that pigs, cows, chickens etc., are inferior and their lives are not worthy of attention. Instead, the public takes their pets seriously. Many scholars and philosophers have discussed this topic, and there are many books, works of literature, and articles. Yet relatively few people pay attention and notice in Hong Kong.
As a result, my project will be a temporary cultural exhibition that aims to Import knowledge, show this philosophical thought to people, and make the audience reflect on the importance of animal protection. This paper will set the theme and plan the content of the exhibition theme. Data collection and precedent studies further analyze and design feasible solutions or solve design problems.
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